Forever Young

ZAC - My Wishlist.
Saturday, November 17, 2012 ? 0 Atashinchi ?
Hello guys! So thankful for today, I'm still can breath & live in this world. There's no special things today, but it's such a great day. I just wanna share my wish, I wanna share with ZAC O:), dont know ZAC? Oh gosh, come on you're freaking bad, go here now. Nah, this is it:

1) I hope I can be thankful of every single day I spend with people who loves me
2) I hope Allah will give me more energy to help me to solve all problems
3) I hope Allah will remind me for smile to everybody, even they're rude to me
4) I hope my family & my friends will always be healthy & happy.
5) I hope 'someone' will know the truth I hide, as soon as possible.

Finished! I think, you don't know why I choose my 2nd wish because it's so strange. Why I don't just ask Allah to erase all my problems so I don't have problems to solve? Because, with problems, we can learn, learn, learn & then we can be better than before.

And how about my 3rd wish? Yeah. There's so many people act rude to me, even they only want to kidding me, sometimes it hurts. But, I know it's just their joke because it's funny for them. So, I want Allah to remind me for smile :) always. Sometimes, I ask myself, why must me? That's okay. If they're happy, I try to be happy too. I know, some of them will reading this, and they will ask him/herself is it them or not. Don't change please guys, I love you.

Quote of the day:
"Sometimes the person who tries to keep everyone else happy is always the most lonely person. So never leave them alone because they will never say that they need you or they want to share some stories"

Thanks for reading :)

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